Tuesday, 8/26/08

The Clover Valley cross-country team headed out as a group from school to Thompson Park just before 3 p.m. on another beautiful late summer North Carolina day. Matt's legs had recovered enough to take in the 1 mile warmup, though he'd already conceded to the idea that some days he'd just drive over to the park instead of running there.

Matt had determined from Jake that the team had a 4 mile path through the neighborhoods around Thompson Park that was a fairly common practice routine in years past. After stretching, he sent them off on the run with a minimal amount of encourgement and then leaned up against a park shelter to stretch his own calves. After loosening up, he sat down on a bench and mentally walked through some of the motivational techniques he planned to try with his first basketball team this winter in their early practices.

Somewhere around a half an hour after they set out, he saw the bobbing form of Jake and the little new kid, Jorge, enter back into the park and finish up in the grassy area where they stretched.

Jake exhaled forcefully and frequently after a trip to the nearby water fountain.

"Whoo ... I tried to shake him .... but .... couldn't do it. We .... may have an actual runner on this team."

Matt replied, "Hey. Well done, guys. Looking good."

"I was trying to keep a 7 minute pace ... not sure what ... you were looking for." Jake carried on still somewhat breathlessly.

Seven minutes a mile? What's normal for you guys?"

"That's a pretty good tempo run for me this early in the year. Didn't seem to affect this guy much, though." Jake gestured at Jorge. "Seemed like he could have gone faster if he wanted."

Jorge spoke for the first time all practice. "I didn't know the way back."

Jake laughed. "Hey. Glad I could help. Shoot. I wouldn't have gone so hard if I'd known you weren't going to pass me."

By this time, D.J. and Kory had returned. Another ten minutes passed ... he'd sent the other four back to school for their warmdown ... and he was starting to get worried about the whereabouts of the still-absent Cougars when he saw the last three slowly filter back into the park. Matt quickly did the math and asked the trio:

"What pace were you guys keeping there? 11 minutes?"

"We had to walk some coach." Joe replied with some hesitation.

Matt paused and gave his first ever cross-country coaching piece of instruction with a sly smile.

"Well let's pick it up a bit next time. I like to eat dinner before 8 pm most nights."